With our fieldbus indicators and IO-Link devices, analog and discrete signals can be converted and transmitted quickly and easily into the digital world of Industry 4.0. Find out more about the PN350 Profinet indicator, the AX350/IO IO-Link indicator and the IO22x IO-Link converter series.

Innovative products – one of our core competencies. We were pioneers with our digital counters more than 40 years ago, and today we are still creating the bridge to modern production facilities with our Industry 4.0 devices.
Ready for Industry 4.0:
With the Profinet indicator PN350. Which can record, calculate, evaluate, display and forward process data.
The AX350/IO IO-Link indicator offers the same features – but it also has two analog inputs. This means that values from analog sensors can be shown directly on the device display and forwarded to a higher-level controller for further processing. The interfaces also enable configuration and scaling of the devices while status information is being transmitted during operation.
Various sensor signals can be transferred to the IO-Link world with our IO-Link converter series IO22x. Analog, incremental, SSI and soon also strain gauge measured values can be recorded and transfered via the IO-Link interface. The input options are sold individually, but a device can also be equipped with all four inputs.